Bean & Bean Coffee Roasters

Queens by Bean & Bean Coffee Roasters

Size: 11oz
Grind Type: Whole Bean

Fulfilled by our friends at Bean & Bean Coffee Roasters

Queens Blend
Roast Level: MEDIUM

Queens is a seasonal blend of exceptional coffees grown on farms and mills owned and led by women. Named after inspiring female producers who are bridging the gender gap in coffee, Queens celebrates the hard work and dedication of women in coffee. By drinking this coffee, you're supporting a community of women who are breaking barriers and leading the way towards gender equality and empowerment in the coffee industry. Experience the bold and empowering taste of Queens and be part of a movement that's making a positive impact on the world of coffee.

This season, we have combined the exquisite flavors of Peru Las Damas and Santa Felisa Gesha Washed, resulting in a rich and full-bodied blend. These two exceptional single origins offer comforting notes that harmoniously meld into a delightful and clean cup, featuring notes of honey, chocolate, and molasses.

In our blog, we teach you everything you need to know about the difference between a Blend vs. Single Origin Coffee.

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